What do you charge for Home Watch service?
Please contact us to schedule an introduction meeting. Pricing based on size of home, number of AC units, number of bed/baths and how many services you require per week.
What do you charge for other services?
Handyman Services $60 per hour per person plus supplies
Concierge Services $60 per hour per person
Pressure Wash Services $90 per hour
Airport service $60 to/from PBI, $130 to/from FLL in our vehicle
Should I contact the office or one of the guys directly?
Please call or text the office at 561-379-9910 or email to [email protected]. Calling one of the guys directly may seem like an easier answer, but typically their hands are busy or they are with another client and cannot answer the phone right away. Thank you for understanding!
How can I find out more about the National Home Watch Association?